Today marks 12 months since the Orroral Valley fire was ignited amid one of the most difficult bushfire seasons the ACT has faced. By the time it was extinguished on 27 February 2020 – exactly one month since its ignition, the Orroral Valley had burned over 82,000 hectares of the Namadgi National Park.
One year on, we thank all of those involved in the response and recovery effort, and reflect on the lessons learned since the Orroral Valley fire. As an Agency, we identified areas for improvement, and have worked tirelessly to implement those changes.
We have taken proactive steps for preparedness and recruited specialist roles including Fire Behaviour Analysts, Air Operations, Strategic Planners and Fire Tower Operators, all of which will help fatigue management and boost the existing specialist skills within the Agency.
We have invested in further training to our volunteer members and provided them with assets to strengthen emergency planning, preparation and response during bushfires and floods.
Bush and grass fires can strike at any time. The ACT Emergency Services Agency is ready, but we need you to be prepared too. Download and complete a Survival Plan – www.esa.act.gov.au/survival-plan
Image: Gary Hooker, ACTRFS