Six members from the ACT Emergency Services Agency and ACT Policing have been awarded the ACT Community Protection Medal (CPM).
Established in 2002, the award formally recognises that these people have gone above and beyond in their chosen fields, and acknowledges sustained, distinguished, and outstanding dedication – making the ACT a better place to live.
Mr Paul Woods, ACT Ambulance Service
Mr Paul Woods is awarded the ACT Community Protection Medal for his professional and extended service to the ACT Ambulance Service. Paul is recognised for his continued support to ensuring the readiness of the ACT Ambulance Service and his unwavering support through the unprecedented 2019/20 bushfire season and COVID-19 Pandemic. Without this support the ACT Ambulance Service capability would have been severely impacted.
Mr Marc Brown, ACT Ambulance Service
Mr Marc Brown is awarded the ACT Community Protection Medal for consistent and sustained outstanding service to the ACT Ambulance Service and the Emergency Services Agency Communications Centre through selfless leadership, support and compassion, and for his selfless support to the ACT Community.
Mr Christopher Bourke, ACT Fire & Rescue
Mr Christopher Burke is awarded the ACT Community Protection Medal for sustained, distinguished and outstanding service to ACT Fire and Rescue, the ACT Emergency Services Agency and the ACT Community through his dedication to improving the capability of the Service and for consistently being willing and able to assist above and beyond his normal duties.
Mr Michael Blaseotto, ACT Rural Fire Service
Mr Michael Blaseotto is awarded the ACT Community Protection Medal for his dedication to, and the support of the ACT Community through his role as a volunteer firefighter with the ACT Rural Fire Service over the past 20 years. Mr Blaseotto is recognised for his ongoing commitment to the education and engagement of the ACT Community.
Mr Alex Bondarenko, ACT State Emergency Service
Mr Alex Bondarenko is awarded the ACT Community Protection Medal for his commitment and passion for supporting the advancement of volunteers over the past 20 years. Mr Bondarenko is recognised for bringing innovation, skill in training and mentorship to the service.
Mr Paul Reynolds, ACT Policing
Detective Sergeant Paul Reynold is awarded the ACT Community Protection Medal in recognition of his sustained, distinguished, and outstanding service to the ACT Community, from frontline community policing, organised crime investigations and advocacy towards child water safety reform.
Congratulations to the deserving recipients! We’re so grateful to have such dedicated members of our community keeping Canberra safe.