
News and alerts

End of the 2024-25 bushfire and storm seasons

Today (31 March 2025) marks the end of the 2024-25 bushfire and storm seasons.Throughout the seasons, ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) and ACT Parks &...

Motor Vehicle Incident - Watson

There has been a motor vehicle incident at the roundabout where the Federal Highway meets Antill Street in Watson.   ACT Fire & Rescue, the ACT Ambulance...

Celebrating 40 years of women in ACTAS

In light of International Women’s Day last week, here at the ACT Emergency Services Agency (ESA) we have decided to look at how far we have come in improving women’s...

ACTAS staff honoured in Women In Ambulance awards

Five members of the ACT Ambulance Service have been recognised in this year's Council of Ambulance Authorities' Women in Ambulance honours.The awards are designed to...

Motor Vehicle Incident - Barton Highway

There's been a motor vehicle incident on the Barton Highway, at the intersection of Gold Creek Road.   The Barton Highway is reduced to one lane in the southbound...

Severe Thunderstorm Warning - 10 March 2025

The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning for heavy rainfall.   Severe thunderstorms may possibly produce heavy rainfall that may lead to...

House Fire - Condor

There's a house fire on John Russell Circuit in Condor. Smoke may be visible.   ACT Fire & Rescue, the ACT Ambulance Service and ACT Policing are in...