Due to smoke being carried east, northeast and southeast from the factory fire at Mitchell, ACT just before midnight on September 15, people in the path of the smoke should take basic precautions.
While the risk is low, it is possible that some toxic residue may have been deposited in the path of the smoke, with comprehensive testing currently being undertaken by the ACT Environment Protection Authority (EPA).
As a precaution people are advised to take the following steps:
- not collect drinking water from roofs or other catchments until these surfaces have been washed down;
-drain or service 'first flush diverters' if they are part of a rainwater collection system;
-wash fruit and vegetables picked from gardens before eating; and
-where possible, provide bore water or town water for stock rather than dam water or other exposed water.
A small amount of fire fighting foam and other material has entered Flemington Road ponds but this has been isolated and does not affect drinking water supplies.
Potentially affected waterways are being sampled regularly by the ACT EPA.
Ring Canberra Connect on 13 22 81 (from the ACT and from NSW) for more information.
Visit esa.act.gov.au or follow @ACT_ESA of Twitter for the latest news from the ACT Emergency Services Agency.